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In this Studio, we train smart not just hard!

Looking for a gym that emphasizes smarter training? You’ve found it! Our professional trainers are equipped with the latest, high-tech tools to help you achieve your fitness goals. From the latest Life Fitness spin bikes to our Bose music system, as well as HRM technology, we have everything you need to push yourself to new limits. Come visit us and see how TRX and Strength Equipment can take your workout to the next level!

HRM Technology

In our studio we use heart rate monitor technology, providing real-time body analysis for members. Ensuring safety and accountability, this cutting-edge approach allowsfor smart strength and cardiovascular training, maximising your results.


TRX & Strength Equipment

RX Suspension Training and Dumbell/Barbell strength training offers significant benefits by increasing time under tension for muscles, promoting muscle overload, mass gain, and trength improvement. It enhances muscle strength and tone, safeguarding joints from injury. Additionally, it aids in maintaining flexibility and balance, crucial for independence as you age.


FreeMotion Treadmills

Upgrade your workout with our FREE MOTION TREADMILLS, they have a special cushioning deck, reducing impact for a longer, stronger, and healthier run. The FREEMOTION REFLEX™ Cushioning is kinder to hips, knees, and ankles, enabling extended, more robust runs. Push your cardio-vascular and lung capacity to the max for stronger hearts and lungs.


BOSE Music System

We carefully curate playlists for each workout and use a BOSE surround system to provide fully immersive, multi-channel sound for our Members. Elevate your workout and push through the fatigue, music can increase endurance during a workout up to 15 percent. These surround speakers lead to a thrilling experience inside the studio.


LifeFitness Spin Bikes

Our Life Fitness spin bikes allow our members the option to RUN and RIDE in our studio. Not only does a Spin bike benefit your muscles—everything from your legs to your core—but it's also a great cardiovascular option if you can't run!

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